Kansas Board of Barbering
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Kansas Board of Barbering

Established in 1913

Located in Topeka, KS

Protecting Public Safety and Health

Preserving our History


Welcome to the Kansas Board of Barbering website. We hope you find this site to be a useful resource whether it be for information about barbering in Kansas, our statutes and regulations, or providing you the ability to renew and restore licenses online. Applications provided on our site have been updated, please submit the most recent version of the applications for processing, outdated applications will not be processed. If you are wanting to renew online please see the information below.



For online renewal(s) please follow the links that can be found at the bottom of this page under the RENEW ONLINE section.  If your license is current please select the Renewals link; If your license has lapsed (is expired), please use the Restoration link.  


Did you know? The World’s largest barber pole is located at 12 W Main Street, Casey, Illinois. It was certified by the Guinness Book of Records on September 28, 2019.  The barber pole is 14’ 7” tall and 3’ 11” wide and located in-front of a barbershop.  This barber pole is fully operational and is over 10 times the size of a standard barber pole. https://www.guinnessworldrecords.com/world-records/113571-largest-barbers-pole 


UPDATED TESTING POLICY: on September 21, 2021 the Kansas Board of Barbering voted to update the testing policy for examinations. Please see the following:  Updated Testing Policy


In 2021, the Kansas Department for Children and Families (DCF) identified a need for an online resource to help educate foster parents about services available for children and youth with textured hair. DCF has asked the Kansas Board of Barbering to annually survey Kansas licensed barbering establishments and schools to obtain information to maintain an online resource guide that lists the services for textured hair available in different parts of the state. This resources guide will help foster parents find services available in their town or region.

The Kansas Department for Children and Families’ main goal is to include contact information for establishments providing specialized services for textured hair – ideally, they would also like to include specific services offered and pricing information.

If you are interested in being included in the guide, please complete this survey by February 8, 2023.

Please note that your contact information was not provided to the Kansas Department for Children and Families. If you are included in the online resource, it would be because of your voluntary participation in this survey.

 If you choose to participate in the survey, please follow the link here: https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/2022_Barber 


 The Kansas Board of Barbering Office will be closed on the following days for 2023 Holidays:

 Monday January 16, 2023: Martin Luther King, Jr. Day

Monday May 29, 2023:  Memorial Day

Tuesday July 4, 2023:  Independence Day

Monday September 4, 2023:  Labor Day

Friday November 10, 2023: Veterans Day

Thursday and Friday November 23 & 24, 2023: Thanksgiving Holiday

Monday December 25, 2023: Christmas Holiday 



On July 17, 2021 our Agency has implemented a fine schedule for infractions, non-compliance, and violations of Statutes, Regulations, and disinfection practices.

Fine amounts are shown here: Fine Schedule

Board Meeting: February emergency meeting to vote on Statute cap changes for this legislative session: Wednesday February 1, 2023 at 2:00pm. Meeting will be an in-person/teleconference hybrid meeting.  Located at 700 SW Jackson St., Suite 1002, Topeka, KS 66603. Call in number is 785-414-8630,  Room Code is #167774835#.


For COVID information and updates check these websites: 



We welcome your input, comments, and suggestions by letter, email, phone, or fax.

To apply for vacancies on the Board of Barbering refer to the Governor’s website. If you have questions you can e-mail KBOB@ks.gov.  You can also call the office at 785-296-2211 for further information.


  Barber, Instructor, Shop and School licenses are available for online renewal. A convenience fee will be added to your online renewal at checkout.  If you are uncertain the amount you should pay for reinstatement contact the board office at 785-296-2211.

Pursuant to K.S.A. 65-1817 and K.A.R. 61-7-2, additional fees must be charged when filing an application for restoration of an expired license.  If you are applying for restoration of your expired barbering license and do not know the correct fee amount, please contact us at 785-296-2211. Any application accompanied with the incorrect fee will be deemed incomplete and will not be processed.

If you are trying to apply for Barber Shop License because of change of ownership, moving locations, or is a new shop in general, you will need to print off the new Barber Shop application found under forms and submit it to the Board office for processing.

License Renewals (Non-Expired):  If your license is needing renewed select the link below


Expired License Restoration: If your license is EXPIRED/LAPSED click the link below https://appengine.egov.com/apps/ks/kbob-expired_license_restoration

Licensed Barber College – New and Renewal: https://appengine.egov.com/apps/ks/kbob/licensed_barber_college_licenses




 Practical Examination is tentatively set for Sunday February 19, 2023 at  9:00am at Midwest Barber College located at 901 SW 37th Street, Topeka, KS 66611

Anyone wishing to apply for the Kansas Barber Licensing Exam, will need to complete an application for barber examination found under the “FORMS” tab above.

Each application must be filled out in its entirety, along with the fee and sent to the Kansas Board of Barbering office.

Please see the Updated Testing Policy listed above on the website regarding eligibility for Practical examination.  

When the application is received the Board will do the following

  • Pre-register applicant -(see paragraph below)
  • Once the candidate has passed the NIC exam, they will then be placed on the list for the Practical and Rules & Regulations examinations.

Each application allows the Board to pre-register applicants for the computer-based testing NIC written exam. The applicant will receive and email from SMT regarding the pre-registration and will need to follow instructions in the email to finalize their registrations. This email will NOT come from KBOB, it will come from SMT.  During the registration finalization process, the applicant will choose their date, time, and location for taking the NIC exam.           


Question, comment or concern?