Kansas Board of Barbering
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 Board Members

Heather E

Ms. Heather Earlington
Member of the Board
Leawood, KS
Term Expires: April 30, 2022

I have thirty-six years’ experience in the barber, beauty industry and have been a license instructor for fifteenth years. I earned an associate degree from Johnson County Community College and a Certified Master Educator from Milady Career Institute. Mother of two children one adult daughter and loves spending time with 8-year-old son Robert. Heather loves to volunteer and bicycle.

Tony F

Mr. Troy Franklin, Jr.
Member of the Board
Wichita, KS
Term Expires: April 30, 2022

City of Wichita Firefighter, Retired 
Franklin’s Barber and Beauty Salon, Owner
Kansas Board of Barbering (KBOB), Board Member

Victoria R

Ms. Victoria Rajewski
Chairman of the Board
Topeka, KS
Term Expires: April 30, 2021

Licensed barber since 1981 and barber instructor since 1985 In 2009 I became a Barber Supervisor at Fort Leavenworth Vocational Barber College and am still there. In 2012, I was awarded an appointment to the Kansas Board of Barbering. Born and raised in Topeka, I have two adult children and I was in the Army Reserves and KS National Guard for 7+ years.

Mr. Dillon Heter

Member of the Board

Lawrence, KS

Term Expires: April 30, 2022

 Dillon is a born and raised Kansan hailing from Hiawatha. He is a graduate of the Carolina School of Broadcasting and currently lives in Lawrence, Kansas where he is vice-chairman of Lawrence Association of Neighborhoods and an executive member of Sunsethill Neighborhood Association.

Nicole Hughes


Member of the Board

Wichita, KS

Term Expires: April, 30 2024


Nicole Hughes is a licensed Barber and Cosmetologist instructor with a combination of  25 years of teaching post-secondary education in the above areas. She is a graduate of Cowley Community College degree A.A.S. Nicole is passionate about her work, ambitious, driven, and a natural leader. 


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