Board Members

Ms. Heather Earlington
Member of the Board
Leawood, KS
Term Expires: April 30, 2022
I have thirty-six years’ experience in the barber, beauty industry and have been a license instructor for fifteenth years. I earned an associate degree from Johnson County Community College and a Certified Master Educator from Milady Career Institute. Mother of two children one adult daughter and loves spending time with 8-year-old son Robert. Heather loves to volunteer and bicycle.

Mr. Troy Franklin, Jr.
Member of the Board
Wichita, KS
Term Expires: April 30, 2022
City of Wichita Firefighter, Retired
Franklin’s Barber and Beauty Salon, Owner
Kansas Board of Barbering (KBOB), Board Member

Ms. Victoria Rajewski
Chairman of the Board
Topeka, KS
Term Expires: April 30, 2021
Licensed barber since 1981 and barber instructor since 1985 In 2009 I became a Barber Supervisor at Fort Leavenworth Vocational Barber College and am still there. In 2012, I was awarded an appointment to the Kansas Board of Barbering. Born and raised in Topeka, I have two adult children and I was in the Army Reserves and KS National Guard for 7+ years.
Mr. Dillon Heter
Member of the Board
Lawrence, KS
Term Expires: April 30, 2022
Dillon is a born and raised Kansan hailing from Hiawatha. He is a graduate of the Carolina School of Broadcasting and currently lives in Lawrence, Kansas where he is vice-chairman of Lawrence Association of Neighborhoods and an executive member of Sunsethill Neighborhood Association.
Nicole Hughes
Member of the Board
Wichita, KS
Term Expires: April, 30 2024